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Pulp is a lignocellulosic fibrous material that is prepared by separating cellulose fibers from wood, fiber crops, waste paper, or rags. Mixed with water and other chemical or plant-based additives, pulp is the major raw material used in papermaking and the industrial production of other paper products. Paper pulp is produced using two different methods: the sulfate (kraft) process and the sulfite process. Kraft is the more common and modern process.
Our lime product is an important commodity for the pulp industry. During the sulfate process,quicklime is used as a causticizing agent, and the waste sodium carbonate solution is recovered and reacted with high calcium lime to generate caustic soda for reuse in the process. In sulfite plants, quicklime is used to prepare calcium bisulfite, which is an acid cooking liquor used to digest or dissolve the non-cellulosic constituents of wood chips (paper and pulp stock).

Our high-purity lime products offer a range of benefits for pulp production, including:
- Consistent purity and chemistry.
- Processing and handling of liquids after conditioning.
- Preparation of bleaching agents.
- Readily available in large quantities.
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