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Oil drilling is a highly specialized business that grew into the largest industry on the planet by the early 21st century. Oil drilling is the process by which tubing is bored through the earth’s surface and a well is established. A pump is connected to the tube, and the petroleum under the surface is forcibly removed from underground. While drilling for oil and gas, formations of high pore fluid pressure may be encountered (up to 20 ppg equivalent). Normal drilling fluid can control formation pressure up to 10 to 12 ppg. Therefore, it is necessary to increase mud pressure to correct this imbalance; otherwise, a blowout may occur.
Barite, with its high density, low oil absorption, low hardness, and abundance, makes it an ideal drilling fluid additive and is largely used in oil and gas drilling activities across the globe. Barite is preferred over the other weighting materials for its low price, purity, availability, and non-toxicity.

TLD Vietnam provides Barite Powder in line with the API 13A Section 7 Standard that is approved by the American Institute (API) for use as a weighting agent in oil and gas drilling fluids, with a large reservation available. Our product really gains customer satisfaction through its best quality as well as its competitive price.
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